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tv   NBC Nightly News  NBC  May 14, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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on our broadcast tonight, heads are rolling, and one of the most powerful women on wall street is out of a job. now that jpmorgan $2 billion. >> dire straits. the most populous state in the nation facing an enormous money crisis. it looks like education is going to pay the price. >> hidden danger. the problem in the home that doctors see all too often wrfrb. >> and a star is born. britain has talent, already. does it matter that it's a dog? "nightly news" begins now. good evening.
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tomorrow, jpmorgan chase, far and away the biggest bank in the country will face its share holders in its an annual meeting, and the timing is not great for the bank or the people who running. they just lost $2 billion. one banker is out and more are said to be right behind her. the stock prices falling as well. the money they lost was their money, but during this era when people are still anky over the bailout, a lot of people are watching the bank closely, and its sheer size makes it a target. it's where we begin tonight. anne thompson has been reporting the story, including the departure of one of the senior women in the executive ranks of the industry. >>imen drew is one of the top casualties and she's not expected to be the last as the bank tries to get ow of this investment that could cost the
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bank another $1 billion before it's all over. wall street kept punishing jp morgan bank monday, selling down the stocks. ina drew who over saw the trades causing the loss today retired. a 30-year veteran well liked by colleagues and a quiet mentor to women, she tried to resign several times before the loss was made public, says a senior jpmorgan official. >> wall street only remembers your last trade. unfortunately, it uz waa big one and on the wrong side. >> dimon called drew a great partner. adding despite our losses,ina's fast criptions to the countrytient be overshadowed. >> on "meet the press" dimon admitted the trade was a
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terrib terrible, egregious trade. >> it's a stupid thing that we should have never done, but we're still going to earn a lot of money this quarter. >> dimon's reputation is. the spokesman now tarnished too. >> we need a system where we have a tough cop on the beat, notion would be able to steal your purse on main street or your pension on wall street. >> democrat elizabeth warren, running for the u.s. senate in massachusetts, worked creative consumer watch dog groups to ov oversee the bank after the crisis. she said what happened shows there's still not enough oversight of the big banks. >> we all have to wonder what is happening at the other large financial institutions. they are taking on more and more risk and that's bad for all of us. >> today, jpmorgan launched its own investigation into the trades, and tomorrow, dimon will face the bank's share holders in tampa. at the annual meeting, there
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will be a nonbinding vote on executive compensation, including $23.1 million for ceo dimon and $15.5 million for the now retired ina drew. >> interesting. the obama campaign may have had this jpmorgan story in mind when it picked today to launch a new ad attacking mitt romney's former firm, baen capital, as a middle class job killer. we heard a lot of this during the campaign. nbc's political director white house correspondent chuck todd joins us. >> it worked for ted kennedy in 1994 when he ran against romney, and it worked for a time for gingrich in the south carolina primary earlier this year. attacking mitt romney's time at baen capital for the rough ways they went about buying up some
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companies, leveraging them, so the obama campaign unveiled a two-man ad. it's only going to air one time on a few markets later this week, but it tells a story of jst steel. it says about mitt romney's leadership on the economy, that he'll be ruthless. to respond, the romney campaign went up with its own ad, what they believe is a bane success story that they helped restart from scratch. >> and it's comnsment season. both romney and president obama chose audiences to go right after a red meat message. didn't they? >> it sure did. president obama today was in new york city, speaking at his alma mater, on the campus of his alma mater, columbia, but he was the commencement speaker for the all women's college barnard, and he sounded like a campaign speech, trying to drive up the gender gap. he hope that helps him. mitt romney on saturday was at
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the evangelical school in virginia called liberal university. it was a speech as much about talking about his mormon faith and the thang have in common with the evangelical christians, but the loudest applause line came when he talked about how he was for marriage between one man and one woman. >> ron paul is effectively out of the race for the gop nomination. his campaign announced today he will not spend any more money in the remainding primaries, pretty much conceding the nomination to romney. this was paul's third run for president. he attracted a dedicated core following. it just wasn't robust enough in the end. staffers will continue to push his ideals all the way to the gop convention. >> back here at home, the economy of the country's biggest state is back in the spotlight in a bad way today. just a few months ago, california's budget deficit was projected to come in at $9
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billion. the actual number is now out. it's almost $16 billion. that means cuts that are going to hurt, and a target is education. right at a time when education is getting so much attention focused on it around the country. our report from nbc's miguel almigar in los angeles. >> governor jerry brown held little back. >> this is a type of reckoning, and we have to take the medicine. >> facing a nearly $16 billion budget deficit, today, the governor proposed $8.3 billion in cuts. the first step towards balancing the state's chronically ill budget. >> the fact is california has been living beyond its means. the united states of america and its federal government is living beyond its means. >> among some of the proposed cuts, state employees will face furlough days and cuts, health care problems like those that help the elders will be cut.
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brown says part of the blame, the state's sputtering economy and the still struggling housing market. california's problem, but one states across the country face. >> what starts in california, good or bad, tends to spread across country. >> blaming republican lawmakers for blocking his push to raise taxes, the governor is now calling on voters in november to approve his spending plan. >> what i'm proposing is not a panacea but it goes a long way toward cleaning up the state's budget mess. >> this week, he turned to youtube to make his pitch. within hours of his announce mentd, protest from state employees and push back from republican lawmakers. >> we had two years of tax increases. it didn't eliminate the deficit. we had a deficit every year. it's not the solution. >> tonight, public edge kagdz is once again in the cross hairs. after rounds of cuts, more could be on the way. >> the question is how deeply
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will an already dysfunctional system of higher education be impacted? >> california, the golden state, now in a sea of red. as the governor asked state employees to take a 5% pay cut, he himself has cut his paycheck by 20%. he warns if californians don't approve his tax increases, they will face deeper and more significant cuts. >> this could get rough in california to come. miguel almaguer. thanks. >> there's been an awful discovery on the side of a high way in mexico where gangs have been in a bloody turf war over drug smuggling. this just over the border with this country. dozens of bodies were dumped on the road. mark potter has been covering this war next door for years and has our report tonight. >> the mutilated bodies were found along a busy highway in monterrey, new mexico.
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the victims, 43 men and 6 women, had their heads, hands, and feet cut off. and are believed by mexican and u.s. authorities to have been killed by members of los zetas, an extremely violent drug car tell. >> they want to show they're the meanest, most sadistic, most cruel criminal organization in the americas. >> sources say the victims may have been victims of a rival cartel. a war over smuggling routes between los zetas and sinaloa has led to violence. >> the fight between them is for daemination of off loading points, transit points, and cross over points on the border. >> last week, near quadlaw jara, authorities found 18 beheaded bodies in two vehicles. nine other victims were hanged from a bridge in nuarrow luraro. and in the last six years, an estimated 50,000 people have di died in mexico's drug war.
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former mexican foreign minister is now an nbc news analyst. >> more people are being killed. it's gorier and gorier than ever, and clearly, there's no end to this war. i think the question is for mexicans, was this worth it? >> the mexican government continues to attack and arrest cartel leaders. the next step in that war is now a major issue in mexico's president campaign, leading to elections this summer. mark potter, nbc news, miami wroorb. overseas in syria, there's virtually no sign of anything resembling a peace process. there's renewed violence there. we have the latest on yet another deadly day. >> good evening. it's described as one of the deadliest attacks on government forces since the 14-month uprising against the rule of bashar al assad began. the free syrian army fighting
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the government, said it carried out the ambush against the syrian military in central syria, killing 23 soldiers. amateur footage posted online show s burned out tanks in the aftermath of the attack. they say 16 people were killed by government forces in proprotests across the country on monday. the syrian government did not confirm the incident but has pointed to these types of attacks, including a deadly blast that killed 15 people on thursday, as evidence of the terrorism it's fighting. on monday, more u.n.ov observe s arrived into syria. 250 are deployed across the country to make sure both sides employ the peace plan. but decide the arrive of more u.n. observers, the killing hasn't stopped, leaving many to question if the peace plan has all but failed. >> word from north carolina this evening that john edwards'
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daughter cate edwards will take the witness stand as early as time for testify in her father's defense. she's been a steadfast supporter of her faurkt and has accomped limto court every day. they tried to refocus this trial from the sex and lies to the nuts and bolts of campaign finance law, which is after all what the case is all about. >> still ahead here as we continue, one family's story about an underrated and underreported household danger that has sent a lot of kids to the emergency room. and later, why this is a day of great pride for mutts everywhere. for three hours a week, i'm a coach. but when i was diagnosed with prostate cancer... i needed a coach. our doctor was great, but with so many tough decisions i felt lost. unitedhealthcare offered us a specially trained rn who helped us weigh and understand all our options.
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oooh, what's her secret? [ male announcer ] dawn hand renewal with olay beauty. improves the look and feel of hands in just five uses. [ sponge ] soft, smooth... fabulous! [ male announcer ] dawn does more... [ sponge ] so it's not a chore.
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we mentioned earlier, doctors have a warning for the parents of small children. it's about the small coin shaped batteries found in all kinds of products. they're behind a growing number of visits to the emergency room. our chief medical editor, dr. nancy snyderman, is with us. even though when you have kids, you're hyperaware of choking hazards, it's not on the top of the mind. >> i have seen a lot of cases like this in the emergency room, in the operating room. child comes in, suddenly a parent says i think my child swallowed someone. it's something circular, is it a coin, a button? it could be something danger, something different all together. >> susan and mark thought they had done everything right when they baby proofed their home. >> we hut the outlet covers on, the knobs on our stove. we're covered. we had babyicates all over the
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house. we put everything up that we thought we needed to put up. >> when they son max was 15 months old, he stumbled onto a remote control and removed and swallowed a button battery. his parents were concerned and took him to the hospital, where doctors found this. >> the image is burned into my brain forever. we looked at each other and started crying. >> max was taken to the o.r. to have it removed. >> we sat there not knowing if he would come out alive or even have a voice. >> he came out of the surgery screaming for us. that was a very good sign. >> max is far from alone. a new study in the journal of pediatrics found in 2009, a child was taken to the er every 90 minutes because of battery injuries. that's twice as many visits as 20 years ago. dr. gary smith coauthored the stoudy and said max's parents were right to rush him to the
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hospital. >> if a young child swallows a button battery, it's a medical emergency. that child needs to have that removed immediately or within less than two hours, it can cause serious injury or even death. >> less than a third of kids' er visits come from batteries in toys. no surprise to max's parents who now say they're watching everything. >> the batteries are everywhere, in remoats, in key chains, in cars, in christmas ornaments. >> industry standards have changed, trying to make remote controls tougher to get the battery out. just today, went downstairs, got one of these fancy cards, and guess what, it doesn't take much for a toddler to open up the back of the card and that's the kind of battery that can literally change a child's life and never for the better. >> this is a big eye opener. thank you for doing this. sgroo up next, text messages that could save lives, and what is trending for america's newest
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book all of our destinations online only at we always talk about how much warning people have in a crisis, but as of this month, if you have a wireless device, there's a good chance you will be warned. they're called wireless emergency alerts. they'll be brief, under 90 character, and wherever you are, especially when bad weather is coming, you will now be notified. 97% of wireless carriers are on board with this program. the avengers is now a billion dollar movie worldwide after setting the all-time opening movie record. it broke into the rarefied air of harry potter to make that much money. the folks affsocial security track baby names as part of their job, and the news is sophia has overtaken the top girl's name. for the top two years runger, isabella, and emma, strong
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runner for second and third. for the boys, no change. jacob retains the top spot for the 13th year in a row. in non-essential food news today, confirmation from the girl scouts about what all of us knew, thin mints are your favorite cookie choice, followed by samosamoas, and the folks at 7-eleven are stepping up to get us out of the obesity crisis, by rolling out the slurpee light. >> we showed you the ghost airplane, found in the sahara, virtually untouched, in extraordinary condition. it's believed to have gone down in june of 1942. until now, no one knew about the pilot. now, a man in ireland says that was his uncle, a pilot for the raf, considered missing in action back then, and never seen again. a british search party will now fan out across the desert looking for his remains. up next here tonight, doing the charleston as it's never quite been done before.
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last night in the uk, there finale of britain's got talent, and it launched a new star who stole the show and walked away with the grand prize on four paws. our report from london, here is nbc's stephanie gosk. >> britain has talent, in fact, britain has so much talent, even the dogs are amazing, or at least pudzy is. in choreographed unison with trainer ashley butler, he danced, walked, twirled, and pulled off that move to win british tv's most popular reality show. >> you, ashley, are a star, and pudzy, i can't cope. >> it's a miracle. congratulations to both of you. >> 17-year-old butler, clearly a performer in her own right, is ready for big things. >> it's a dream come true. >> pudzy, calm and self effacing
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at her side, probably wondering when he might get his next steak. he's no purebread, just a mutt. in the parks of london today, dogs ran and played like they always do, but the mood was grim. >> he's got no talent. >> the country loves pudzy. >> my heart goes out to the average british dog. this isn't going to cut it anymore. i can almost feel his anxiety. already worth roughly $17 million, pudzy is going to hollywood where he will face off against the star of the "artist" in hopes to make a name among other ci9 greats like rin tin tin and lasse. >> i know i have the smartest dog in the world. >> as impressive of their
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comanld of the english language may have been, could any of those dogs do the charleston? stephanie gosk, nbc news, london. >> that's our broadcast on this monday night. thank you for being here with us as we start a new week. i'm brian williams. we of course hope to see you right back here tomorrow evening. good night.


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